I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 67 67. Inner Universe


In the dining hall of the palace, The black aura surrounding Karna was finally sucked in by his eyes. As that happened he was able to close his eyes shut, The uncomfortable feeling of going through that made Karna take a while to recover.

\'Wait! Where am I?\'

But when he tried to open his eyes he was not able to. There was just pitch-black darkness surrounding him like a void yet unlike before he did not have a fear of this darkness for some reason.

It was still dark but it felt very close to him. There was a feeling that he was safe here. This darkness will not allow any harm to befall on him here.

\'Is this some kinda trial that I had to go through to unlock the potential of my Eyes Of Chaos?\'

Karna read many novels in his last life to get away from his reality, So he has a vast amount of knowledge regarding things like this one. When this happens he quickly thought this is a kinda test of worthiness as he read through many novel series.

\'Let me guess, My power is of chaos which existed before creation, So this may be the world before creation, And my test has to be to create the world here, Or in other words, Create an inner universe."

Karna thought for a second and came up with the reason. Most of the stories go like this to prove one\'s worthiness to the dedicated powers.

"*Ahem* Let there be a light…Big Bang…Create…Well, nothing is happening, What I was thinking, It is not the novel world but was a worth of shot, now had to find the other wa-"

Karna did not feel disappointed when nothing happened, He was just giving it a shot not expecting it to work. After all, he just makes up stuff by throwing darts in the dark. It would have been a miracle if it had worked.

*Bang* *Boom*

But before Karna thought of any other solution, the world around him started to change. A white blinding light shone in front of his eye which made someone able to look straight at it.

Then it spread all over the empty space filling it with the gases which were illuminated by unknown sources of light, Karna was surprised trying to process what he was seeing. Then he saw one flash of light then two and then many like fireworks started to flicker in the black background.

Then the whole world becomes indescribably beautiful. Those tiny lights were the stars that started to be born and die too quickly, releasing vast amounts of mass into the world.

Which created more stars and then planets, Stars also started to stick together as clusters of stars and created galaxies and such.

There were also divinely beautiful nebulas born in this period. All in all, the world has been created, A time frame which needs billions of years passed in just a few seconds for Karna who finally processed what just happened.

He created a universe inside him, This is from where he will draw power for his chaos skills as the normal world would not be able to handle Chaos sucking power from it.

"Karna, are you alright-!!!"

Gandhari ran to Karna when she saw that all the dark aura surrounding him had disappeared. She finally could not keep her composure and came to check on him but she stopped mid-way looking at Karna with surprise and horror.

When she got near him, It was when Karna, hearing her voice, opened his eyes just for her to take a glance at his eyes which were showing the whole universe in them.

She wanted to take a second look but then Karna blinked and it all disappeared making her doubt if she was imagining things but she was sure what she saw was not her imagination, It\'s just there is nothing to prove her claim.

"O\'Maharani, Why are you so worried? Afraid to lose a good son-in-law like me? Don\'t worry it is not that easy to get rid of me haha."

Karna gave her a very charming smile and seeing how tense the atmosphere has become decided to crack a joke to ease them not knowing that Kalyuga\'s jokes were taken seriously here.

He just goes with the thing that Shushala was going on about marrying him, Which for him seems very funny and decided to use that as it was the first thing that came to his mind.

Unknowest to everyone the force in the dark moved under the guidance of his luck making the things most suitable for him.

"Yes, Yes it\'s very hard to find someone like you, ignore that and tell me how do you feel? Is there any discomfort? That black air entered your eyes, Are they hurting you?"

Gandhari was taken aback by his words, She gave one more look to Karna and again solidified the decision in her heart to talk with her husband about this. Indeed it was very hard to find a son-in-law like this.I think you should take a look at

He does not only look more beautiful than a heavenly nymph but also not weak either and his intelligence is even scary as at this young age he can trick wise men like Vidura.

But the decision about marriage is between their parents, Right now she was more worried about if he was alright. His reawakening was not normal, Though he looked fine he might be pretending to not be worried.

"I am fine but too hungry, How long till food will be served? I might start to eat this furniture if I wait any longer."

Karna looked at her pitifully when she asked him to give her puppy eyes, His eyes which had now gone through the tribulations of the chaos and very much reborn were quite different than before.

Before it was pitch-black voids one may get lost in them if not a careful bit but they become even more charming. There was a weird unexplainable glow in them with a light shade of yellow and red flickering from time to time.


Gandhari felt like someone pierced an arrow in her heart. She was overwhelmed by their cuteness and could not help but to take him in her arms to give him a strong hug, Which Karna allowed and enjoyed her motherly nature which was quite comforting.

"It will be served very soon. Cooks might be done cooking right now and will serve any moment. Just bear with me for a while."

Gandhari dotingly rubs his head as she informed him about the news of food, the Normally royal mess should always need to have food ready but because there was someone who inhales food or anything edible, They are always short of the stuff to make the good food, Which takes time to resupply everything.

"GREAT MAHARANI!! A sage and his two wives seek a meeting with you right now. Do I bring them here?"

Gandhari wanted to call a guard at the door and ask them to see how the preparation of goods was going only to hear the loud announcement from outside the closed door of the dining hall.

It made her pause for a moment. She quickly takes a look around and can only see a small crater on the ground. Other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary, She then looked at her brother for advice who nodded positively towards her.

"Please go and bring them here with the utmost attention and respect, It would be an honour of the Kuru family to serve Sage and his family."

After getting a positive answer from her brother and once again checking if everything was alright, She requested the soldier at the door to bring the sage and his two wives here.

She felt like it was not coincidental that they came here after what happened here. It says that those revered sages held the power to see the future, So maybe they came here to warn her about something or bless these kids, Either the case she hopes it was because of good news they are coming here.

After saying that she walked towards the door and opened then stood there to welcome the guests. 

"Mitra, What power do you get? Have you become even more stronger? Or it was your beauty as you become even more beautiful, I think it has to be beauty."

Duryodhana also came to Karna with his tail of 100 brothers and 1 sister, Eklavaya though wanted to get close to Karna but stopped himself as he knows he can not go with princes, So he just stood aside waiting for his turn to go meet Karna.

"Wanna Sparre with me to figure it out, Mitra?"

Karma wrapped his hand around the shoulder of Duryodhana and asked in a teasing voice trying to hold back his smile.

"Mitra, What mistake have I made now? Please just say it with words, I promise I will take it to heart, There is no need for one-sided beating."

Duryodhana broke out in cold sweat hearing a word sparing in Karna\'s mouth, Though he did not get hurt by beating Karna but he did feel pain, If he can he did not want to experience something like that again.

"Haha, Don\'t worry Mitra, I was just messing with you. I will not be going to tell you what I awakened. It\'s best explained if I show it to you, Which I would do later after I extinguish my hunger."

Karna did not want to give him PTSD, So he just dropped the act and just simply answered, It\'s really hard to explain the power of his Chaos eyes. It would be easy if he just showed it.

After that, he looked at the door curious who it might be, Then after a moment 1 ordinary-looking sage with the two same ordinary, nothing to stand out other than the fact they two were twins entered the dining hall, Under the respectful welcoming of Gandhari.

(A/N : Just wait a while to go to the interesting part of the story.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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